Monday, February 24, 2025

Human ECO Life | Helping Homeless Help Themselves

  There is a point in homelessness when rejoining the community is virtually impossible.

Mission Statement:
 Empowering the homeless, and educating the public. Helping those who help themselves, Human ECO Life volunteers will receive food and shelter. Our vision is to establish communities where ecology and sustainability are conducive to self-help. We will acquire properties, develop housing, and grow food.

A sanctuary for humans
A shelter in the forest
A wood-burning hearth
A rainwater cistern
A perennial food forest
It's that simple.

 Our community will market its products and create income for residents. Un-sold products will be distributed to those with needs and other interested agencies or groups.
 Our outreach will be unique developing relationships between volunteers who are also experiencing homelessness, other volunteers, and clients. Our first-time homeless volunteers will distribute water to others on the street.

Products, programs, and services:
 At present, there is one homeless volunteer who is distributing bottles of water, at his own expense. In the next step, with the next volunteer, we will meet with administrators of food banks and other organizations to seek assistance or partnerships. Any food that is available to us will be useful to feed those who need it, utilizing a park equipped with a pavilion and grill we will prepare meals. As we grow we can schedule other cook-outs at more locations. In the future, we will sell our own products produced in our ECO Life Parks.

Operational Plan:
 At this stage, we are looking for donated space or funding for office space. Once we have a base to work from we will focus on legalities, permits, licensing, insurance coverage, etc. We will also seek advisers and professional consultants to help with organizational structure.

Impact Plan:
 By moving willing homeless clients to an environment that is conducive to self-help, we will reduce homeless populations on the streets. Our homeless clients will be able to move up from volunteering for basic needs to meaningful paying jobs. 

Thanks for reading the Human ECO Life Blog | Helping Homeless Help Themselves post. Please comment share and follow our progress, you can help!

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